Attract Success Luck Wealth Protection Health Love Happiness by Ring of Pixiu Mantra Feng Shui

JEWELRY GUIDE: How to Activate Your Pixiu Bracelet

By activating the energy within a Pixiu bracelet (also referred to as a Piyao bracelet), you can unlock its full potential and increase its protective powers.

This comprehensive guide outlines the steps you need to take to activate your Pixiu bracelet according to feng shui bracelet rules. Discover the essential practices to engage before, during, and after wearing this powerful wealth charm to ensure its maximum effectiveness and benefit.

If you’re interested in learning about the meaning and benefits of the Pixiu bracelet, click here. If you like the pixiu collection please click the following picture.

Steps to Properly Wear a Piyao Bracelet for Maximum Benefit


Wear the Piyao bracelet on the left hand, ensuring that the head of the amulet points towards your little finger.

In feng shui practice, the left hand is regarded as the hand of reception. By wearing the bracelet on your left hand, you allow Pixiu to draw in and absorb abundant energy into your personal energy field. Make sure to position the head of the amulet outward, allowing its eyes to scan the surrounding environment for wealth and prosperity.

Having learned the correct way to wear a Pixiu bracelet, the next step is to activate it. Activation involves syncing the energy of Pixiu with your own intentions, thus enhancing its potency and effectiveness.

Nine Easy Steps to Awaken the Energy of Your Pixiu Bracelet


Before Wearing Your Pixiu

1.clean your pixiu

As your bracelet arrives at your doorstep, it may have absorbed excessive energy, potentially weakening the power of your wealth charm. Therefore, it is imperative to cleanse your Pixiu bracelet prior to wearing it. Continue reading to discover the proper method of cleansing your bracelet and restoring its vitality.

2.feed your pixiu

Before wearing the bracelet, it is crucial to train your Pixiu to seek abundance. To accomplish this, place your Pixiu in a bowl surrounded by precious items such as coins and gems. It is important to note that paper bills should not be used as Pixiu is not attracted to them. This training should be done annually, ideally before the commencement of the Chinese New Year, to ensure that your Pixiu is primed and ready to attract prosperity.

3.align your intention

To align the energy of your Pixiu bracelet with your intentions, it is essential to transform your goals into affirmations. For instance, wearing the bracelet daily while repeating the mantra “I attract the energy of abundance” several times will help manifest your desires. This practice ensures that the bracelet’s energy resonates with your aspirations, amplifying their potential for realization.

While Wearing Your Pixiu

4. Wear on your left hand

In Chinese culture, the left hand is revered as the hand of reception, following the adage, “The left is for receiving, the right is for giving.” By wearing your feng shui bracelet on your left hand, you facilitate the absorption of wealth chi (energy), effectively inviting prosperity and abundance into your life. This practice aligns with the principles of feng shui, promoting balance and harmony in your environment and, subsequently, your life.

5. Make Pixiu face outwards

To ensure that the Pixiu bracelet effectively attracts prosperity, it is important to position the head of the Pixiu towards the direction of your little finger. This alignment allows the fortune beast to scan your surroundings for precious items, symbolizing the influx of wealth and good fortune into your life. By correctly positioning the Pixiu, you can harness its powers and invite prosperity into your life.

6. Pet your Pixiu

To strengthen your bond with your Piyao and maximize its effectiveness, it is recommended that you frequently touch its body, similar to how you would interact with a pet. This physical contact helps to establish a deeper connection with your Piyao, enhancing its ability to attract treasures and prosperity. However, it is important to avoid touching its mouth and eyes, as these are the areas it uses to hunt for treasures. By respecting these sensitive areas, you ensure that your Piyao remains focused and effective in its mission to bring you good fortune.

7. Work toward your goal

Good feng shui emphasizes the importance of personal effort and intention in manifesting desired outcomes. By aligning your goals with the universe through the aid of a Piyao bracelet, you are creating a powerful symbolic connection that can assist you in manifesting your intentions. However, it is important to remember that feng shui is not a magic formula; it requires your active participation and dedication to achieve success. By working towards your goal with intention and focus, while also utilizing the feng shui principles and tools such as the Piyao bracelet, you can create a harmonious and prosperous environment that supports your efforts.

After Wearing Your Pixiu

8. Let face outside

While it is generally recommended to wear the Pixiu bracelet at all times, there are certain occasions where it is advisable to remove it. For instance, when sleeping, using the toilet, or engaging in intimate activities, it is customary to take off the bracelet. During these times, you can place the bracelet in its designated bowl, ensuring that the head of the Pixiu faces towards the door or window. This allows the Pixiu to continue its search for abundance even while you are at home. When you are outdoors and need to use the toilet, it is recommended to wrap the bracelet in a red cloth to ensure its safety and protection. Following these guidelines allows you to maintain the effectiveness of your Pixiu bracelet while also respecting its sacred nature.

9. Pack in a red cloth if breaks

When your Pixiu bracelet eventually breaks, it is a sign that the amulet has fulfilled its purpose and is ready to be returned to the earth. This is a natural cycle in the life of a feng shui artifact, indicating that its energetic charge has been exhausted. To properly dispose of the bracelet, wrap it in a red cloth and bury it in the ground. This respectful gesture ensures that the energy of the bracelet is recycled and does not linger in an unwanted manner. By following this tradition, you are honoring the life cycle of the amulet and releasing it back into the universe, allowing for new opportunities and blessings to flow into your life.

Pixiu Bracelet Rules at a Glance

Wearing Hand: In traditional feng shui practices, the Pixiu bracelet is worn on the left hand. This is because it is believed that wealth and positive energy enter the body through the left side and exit through the right. By wearing the bracelet on the left hand, you are inviting prosperity and positive energy into your life.

Handling: It is important to always handle the Pixiu bracelet with clean and respectful hands. Avoid touching it after coming into contact with dirt or after using the restroom, as this is considered disrespectful. Touching the bracelet with clean hands helps to maintain its energetic purity and ensures that it remains effective in attracting positive energy.

Facing Direction: When wearing the Pixiu bracelet, it is important to ensure that the head of the Pixiu faces outward, towards the direction of your pinky finger. This alignment is believed to help draw wealth and prosperity towards you. The pinky finger represents the direction of the Water Element in feng shui, which is associated with wealth and flow.

Sleeping: Before going to sleep, it is advisable to remove the Pixiu bracelet and place it in a respectful manner in the living room, preferably facing the main door. Avoid placing it in the bedroom as this may interrupt its flow of energy. Placing the bracelet in the living room, where it can receive positive energy from the outside, helps to maintain its efficacy.

Consecrated Space: If you have a consecrated space or an altar in your home, it is considered auspicious to place the Pixiu bracelet there when not in use. This shows respect and gratitude to the amulet, allowing it to rest and recharge its energy in a pure environment.

Avoid Ground: It is believed that placing the Pixiu bracelet directly on the ground is disrespectful and may dissipate its energy. Always ensure that the bracelet is placed on a clean and elevated surface to maintain its energetic purity.

Recharge: Periodically, it is beneficial to recharge the Pixiu bracelet by exposing it to high-frequency sound or sage smoke. This helps to purify and rejuvenate the amulet, allowing it to continue attracting positive energy and blessings into your life.

Respect: It is important to treat the Pixiu bracelet with respect and gratitude. Remember that it is not just a piece of jewelry, but a spiritual talisman believed to attract wealth and ward off negative energies. By treating it with respect and care, you are fostering a positive and harmonious relationship with the amulet, which can enhance its effectiveness in your life.

How to Cleanse Your Pixiu Bracelet


To physically clean the bracelet, gently remove any dust accumulation and rinse it under running water.

Following the physical cleaning, enhance the bracelet’s energetic state by cleansing it with vibrations of a high frequency.

To cleanse with sound, you’ll need:

Adhere to the following steps to eliminate negative energy from your bracelet and restore its positive vibrations:

  • Place your bracelet next to the Tibetan singing bowl. Ensure that it is positioned close enough to the bowl to be affected by the sound vibrations.
  • Strike the Tibetan singing bowl gently with the mallet to produce the cleansing sound. The mallet should be used with care to avoid excessive force, as this may damage the bowl.
  • Rub the side of the bowl with your hand or a soft cloth while playing it. This will help sustain the vibration and amplify the sound, allowing it to wash over your bracelet effectively.
  • Allow the sound of the Tibetan singing bowl to wash over your bracelet for several minutes. This will help to clear away negative energy and recharge the bracelet’s positive vibrations.
  • Repeat this process for 5 to 10 minutes, or until you feel that the bracelet has been sufficiently cleansed and recharged.

Remember to handle your bracelet with care and respect throughout the cleansing process, and make sure to thank the Tibetan singing bowl for its assistance in removing negative energy.

As a general rule, it is recommended to cleanse your Piyao bracelet at least once a month to eliminate any negative energy that may accumulate on it. Regular cleansing helps to maintain the bracelet’s positive vibrations and ensures its continued efficacy.

How to Wear a Double Pixiu Bracelet


Wearing a double Pixiu bracelet on the left hand is a common practice in feng shui and traditional Chinese culture. The left hand is considered the receptive hand, meaning it is believed to absorb and receive positive energy and blessings. By wearing the double Pixiu bracelet on the left hand, you are positioning it to attract and accumulate wealth and prosperity.

You can follow the same steps above to activate your double Pixiu bracelet.

  1. Cleanse your bracelet
  2. Feed your Pixius
  3. Program your intentions
  4. Wear them on your left hand
  5. Pet your Pixius
  6. Work toward your goal
  7. Pack them in red cloth if they break

The Double Pixiu bracelet is a feng shui talisman that carries profound symbolic meaning. In Chinese culture, the Pixiu (or Pi Yao) is a mythical creature believed to possess the ability to attract and accumulate wealth and prosperity. The Double Pixiu bracelet, therefore, represents the doubling of this auspicious energy.

In feng shui, placing a mirror in front of the dining table is a practice known as “doubling excellence.” This practice is based on the belief that mirrors have the ability to reflect and multiply energy. By placing a mirror in front of the dining table, it is said to create an illusion of having more food on the table, thus symbolizing an increase in wealth and prosperity. This practice is considered a way to double the amount of positive energy and blessings in a space, much like the Double Pixiu bracelet does for the wearer.

By wearing a Double Pixiu bracelet, one is said to attract twice the amount of wealth and prosperity compared to wearing a single Pixiu charm. This bracelet is often worn on the left wrist, as the left side is traditionally associated with receiving and absorbing positive energy in feng shui.

The concept of “doubling excellence” applies not only to the practice of placing a mirror in front of the dining table but also to the Double Pixiu bracelet. Both are meant to enhance and multiply the flow of positive energy, specifically in the realm of wealth and prosperity. By wearing this bracelet, one is invoking the power of the Pixiu to attract and accumulate double the amount of wealth and good fortune.

It’s worth noting that feng shui is a highly personal and subjective practice, and the effectiveness of these methods may vary from person to person. Wearing a Double Pixiu bracelet or practicing certain feng shui techniques should be approached with an open mind and a sense of personal belief.

Pixiu Bracelet FAQs


What is the purpose of the Pixiu Bracelet?

The Pixiu bracelet is worn as a feng shui talisman in Chinese culture to attract, accumulate, and preserve wealth and prosperity. It is believed that the Pixiu, also known as the “fortune beast,” possesses the power to absorb negative energy and transform it into positive energy, particularly in the realm of wealth and finances. By wearing this bracelet, individuals aim to harness the auspicious energy of the Pixiu and enhance their financial luck and opportunities, attracting more wealth and abundance into their lives.

Who Can and Cannot Wear a Pixiu Bracelet?

The Pixiu bracelet is a popular talisman among those who seek to manifest wealth and abundance in their lives. However, feng shui experts advise certain individuals to refrain from wearing this bracelet due to its strong energetic nature. People aged below 16 or over 70, as well as pregnant women, are generally advised not to wear the Pixiu bracelet as they may not be able to handle its powerful energy.

However, there is an exception to this rule. If you have a regular meditation practice or maintain an active lifestyle, you may be able to balance and harness the energy of the Pixiu bracelet more effectively. This is because these practices help strengthen your internal energy and make you more resilient to external influences.

It is important to remember that feng shui is a personal practice, and the decision to wear a Pixiu bracelet should be based on your own individual beliefs and needs. Always consult a qualified feng shui expert for personalized advice.

Which Hand Should You Wear the Pixiu Bracelet On?

In Chinese culture, the left hand is often associated with receiving and drawing in energy, while the right hand is linked with releasing and transforming energy. Therefore, wearing the Pixiu bracelet on the left hand may be more to wear the Pixiu bracelet on should be based on your personal beliefs and preferences. You can experiment with wearing it on different hands to see which feels more comfortable and auspicious for you., the decision of which hand to wear the Pixiu bracelet on should be based on your personal preferences and the specific goals you hope to achieve.

How to Correctly Wear a Pixiu Bracelet?

Feng shui masters typically recommend wearing the Pixiu bracelet on the left hand. This advice aligns with the Chinese belief that the left side of the body is the receptacle for incoming energy from the universe. By positioning the bracelet on the left wrist, wearers are thought to be more receptive to the auspicious and protective qualities it is associated with.

To fully activate and enhance the power of the Pixiu, it’s important to cleanse, feed, and program it with intention. Cleansing removes any impurities or negative energy, priming it for new positive vibrations. Feeding the Pixiu involves charging it with positive energy, often through exposure to sunlight or moonlight. Programming your intention involves setting a clear goal or wish for the bracelet to support, aligning its energy with your personal desires.

By following these steps and wearing the Pixiu bracelet on your left hand, you can harness the feng shui benefits it offers, attracting positive energy and fostering prosperity in your life.

Which directions for the Pixiu’s Head is Optimal Feng Shui?

Contrary to the common belief, in certain feng shui practices, it is recommended that the head of the Pixiu should face outward, towards your little finger when wearing the bracelet. This positioning is believed to allow the Pixiu to more effectively protect the wearer from negative energy and harmful influences. By facing towards the little finger, the Pixiu is thought to guard the wearer from any harmful energy that may come into contact with their body.

This orientation is less common but still practiced by some feng shui experts, depending on the specific goals and beliefs of the individual. When wearing the Pixiu bracelet with the head facing towards the little finger, it is important to maintain a respectful and grateful attitude, understanding its symbolic meaning and purpose. By doing so, you can harness the protective powers of the Pixiu and promote positive energy in your life.

Where can I put Pixiu at home?

To further amplify the feng shui benefits of the Pixiu, you can place it in a bowl filled with precious items such as coins and gems. This combination is believed to attract prosperity and abundance into your home.

When setting up the bowl, ensure that the head of the Pixiu faces towards your door or windows. This positioning allows the auspicious energy to flow into your home as it enters through the main entrances. The door represents new opportunities and the windows let in natural light and positive energy. By positioning the Pixiu in this way, you are inviting good luck and prosperity to enter your space.

Remember to cleanse and activate the Pixiu before placing it in the bowl. You can do this by cleansing it with incense smoke, running water, or sunlight, depending on your personal preference. Once activated, the Pixiu and the precious items in the bowl will work together to enhance the feng shui of your home, attracting positive energy and fostering prosperity.

Where should I put Pixiu bracelet when sleeping?

For optimal feng shui practice, it is advisable to remove the Pixiu bracelet before retiring for the night. When doing so, it is recommended to place the bracelet in the living room, ideally facing towards the main door or window. This placement ensures that the auspicious energy flow continues to circulate throughout your home while you sleep.

It is important to refrain from placing the Pixiu bracelet in the bedroom, as this may potentially disturb the harmonious energy within the space. Instead, by keeping it in the living room, you allow the bracelet to continue protecting your home and attracting positive energy.

Additionally, you may consider placing the Pixiu bracelet in a consecrated space or on an altar. This practice demonstrates respect and gratitude towards the talisman, allowing its powers to flow more freely.

When handling the bracelet, always ensure that your hands are clean, as this is a sign of respect and care. Avoid placing the bracelet on the ground, as this may be considered disrespectful. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that the Pixiu bracelet continues to benefit your home and promote positive feng shui energy.

Can I wear Pixiu to toilet?

Wearing the Pixiu to the toilet is generally not recommended. In feng shui, the Pixiu is considered a powerful talisman that attracts positive energy and protects against negative influences. Therefore, it is important to treat it with respect and avoid exposing it to unclean or impure environments.

Can I wear my Pixiu bracelet with my watch?

Absolutely, you can wear your charm bracelet alongside your watch. Both accessories can complement each other, providing a unique and personal touch to your overall ensemble. The charm bracelet, often adorned with meaningful symbols or charms, adds a personal and sentimental value to your wrist, while the watch offers functionality and precision.

When wearing both, it’s important to consider the size and style of each accessory to ensure they harmoniously coexist. Choose a bracelet that is not too bulky or heavy, to avoid any discomfort or clashing with your watch. Additionally, consider the color and material of the bracelet and watch to ensure they complement each other well.

Remember, accessorizing is all about expressing your personal style and taste. So, feel free to experiment and find the perfect combination that suits you best.

Can I wear my Pixiu bracelet with other bracelets?

Absolutely, you can wear your Pixiu bracelet alongside other bracelets. In fact, combining it with a citrine bracelet is particularly beneficial as citrine is a crystal that is believed to amplify the energy and effects of other charms. By pairing these two bracelets, you can enhance the power of your wealth charm, maximizing its potential.

Citrine is a warm and sunny stone that is often associated with success, abundance, and positive energy. When worn together with the Pixiu bracelet, it can help to attract more opportunities and prosperity, while also protecting you from negative influences.

When wearing multiple bracelets, it’s important to ensure they are not too bulky or crowded on your wrist. Choose a few select bracelets that complement each other in style and color to create a harmonious and balanced look.

Remember, accessorizing is an expression of your personal style and beliefs. So, feel free to experiment and find the perfect combination that suits you best, while taking advantage of the benefits offered by each bracelet.

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